Growing Together
BeHER is a philosophy and practice designed for women who want to grow together with other like-minded women.
A BeHER CIRCLE is an 8-week intensive deep dive for like-minded women. Participants meet once a week for 90 minutes with a licensed, credentialed BeHER therapist.
The program is intense, thought-provoking, and designed for women interested in feeling immediate mind shifts.
Women complete CIRCLES with actionable tools to navigate routines with different outcomes.
Common Topics
Topics discussed in BeHER CIRCLES address issues with which many women struggle.
It’s essential to develop a sense of identity, and while working with others, you will gain a better sense of self, reducing your struggles with identity issues.
Whether with a partner or friends, establishing relationships requires communication, empathy, honesty, the ability to listen, and respect for the other’s point of view. BeHER CIRCLES emphasize openness and the establishment of relationships.
Having a career as a woman requires finding a balance between work and outside commitments like children, ailing parents, your partner, or maintain a functional household. Interacting with like-minded women lets you know you are not alone.
Your children are gone, and now you and your spouse face an empty nest. Deciding what’s next and how you relate to each other is a challenge. Other women face the same challenge.
Join the Circle
Registration to Circles is ongoing, and new circles start regularly.
To be added to our next circle, call (215) 621-6474.